Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Despite the name of this web journal, Jonah's Journal, it is I, Jonah's mother, who will be managing and writing posts. I feel that this is as much my journal as it is my four month old son's, because the purpose of this blog is to chronicle the relationship and journey between mother and child from each of our perspectives. I plan on journaling our journey that includes "baby wearing," nursing, elimination communication, and other milestones not only in Jonah's cognitive abilities but also milestones in my parenting. Some people would label my methods as "attachment parenting" but I prefer to call it following my heart.

We have several reasons for creating this journal. One is for our own personal use; to create an organized system for keeping memories. Another is because some of the methods we use may seem a little odd to our family and friends, and we would like to explain ourselves uninterupted. Having this public journal will give others a chance to see that the way we are doing things really does work and is based not only on scientific research and reasoning, but also our instincts. Finally, I am hoping to give a little guidance through my own faults and trials to other mothers and babies going through the same journey. I would like other so-called attached parents to know that they are not alone, and give insight to those parents who are on the fence about these methods.

We hope that you will enjoy reading about our way of life, whether you are a friend, family member, or curious stranger.

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