Monday, September 7, 2009

Now that my first week of working part-time is finished, and we're heading into the second week, I thought I ought to do a "week in review" update.

First of all, I never described what this new job is. I am working for a new science museum in Toledo that will be opening in a month. I am one of the "scientists" that will be helping guests with exhibits, answering their questions, setting up fun things for them to do around the museum (like making slime or some other hands-on activity) and manning the larger exhibits that require guests to wear harnesses or take other safety precautions. Another HUGE aspect of this job description is performing in the museum's shows. There are five shows a day, ranging in topics from combustion to the scientific method. Part of the training process that I'm going through now is just learning the five shows, getting my script down, and getting comfortable with the more elaborate experiments. On my first day, I basically set hydrogen filled balloons on fire, all morning. On my second day, I "played" with liquid nitrogen. Yes, it turns out, I love this job.

Five hours a day, for three days a week doesn't seem like a lot. It felt like an eternity though when I'd start to think about Jonah. What is he doing, did he eat his veggies for lunch, what toys did he pick out of his toybox? I miss knowing all of these details in his day. It was hard. Especially when I got home, and he was sleeping. I had to really restrain myself from going into his room to wake him and smother him with kisses. I thought it would be easy, going back to work, but after nearly fourteen months of not working, it was one of the hardest things I've done. I'm told it gets easier, and already it seems like it has. On Friday I made it all day without calling home to see how he's doing.

One of the hardest things is getting ready for the next day. I'm so used to making Jonah's breakfast and lunch right when it's time for him to eat. I never plan anything out, and haven't had to think ahead to what his menu should be for that day. Now, before going to bed on the nights that I have to work, I have to prepare both his breakfast and lunch, as well as a snack just in case I don't get home before he wants it. My sister gave us some really neat plates for his birthday. They fit on top of eachother so that you can prepare a meal on one plate, and use the second plate as a lid. Those have come in handy. Also, all of the items that I have made previously and then froze have been really helpful too. I know that Jonah's grandma wouldn't mind if I let her make whatever she felt like for his meals, but I feel a bit guilty leaving her with all of that work, and also a litle jealous too.

I also have been typing up a little letter, with the menu for the day on it as well as some suggestions of activities that Jonah likes, instructions for preparing the foods, and little notes about his evening, if he slept well that night etc. Again, I know it isn't necessary, but I really feel like I am more a part of his day this way. His grandma appreciates the suggested activities, and will write on the bottom of the page how they went, if he liked his food, or any thing new that he's been doing.

His grandma has an interest in the EC, but she has a fear of having a miss. I don't mind too much that he's not using EC for just a few hours every week. His EC is still going strong when I am home, so it doesn't seem to be effecting him much in that regards.

If we can continue to have this job fit so easily into our lifestyle, I think it will be a good thing for everyone.

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